Monday, 11 June 2012

Rusha habari yako mwenyewe

Sasa unaweza kurusha habari yako mwenyewe. Hauhutaji kumtumia mwenye blog akurushie habari yako. Fanya wewe mwenyewe hapa Username ni mdau na password VVJ2w01vtzrd. Karibu Hi blog ni nzuri kwa kila mtazania anayependa kupost habari, picha na matukio, n.k. Kama una Birthday parties, events mbalimbali, sherehe za kifamilia, holiday photos n.k, basi hapa ndiyo mwa...

Thursday, 2 February 2012

How Does 3D Technology Work?

In 1838, Sir Charles Wheatstone first described the process of stereopsis: the process by which humans perceive three dimensions from two highly similar, overlaid images. Or, the process by which Avatar looks like a mind-blowingly immersive alien landscape instead of a bunch of brightly colored fuzz. 3D technology has come a long way since Wheatstone developed his stereoscope, then used to view static images and eventually pictures. Now we get to wear Wayfarer knock-offs and enjoy 3D films, television shows and video games. For some people, seeing cool images might be enough. But others might be curious how Pandora was brought to life, or how...

How Africa’s economy is benefiting from the ICT revolution

Standard Bank analyst Simon Freemantle recently produced a series of five research papers on the trends powering Africa’s economic growth. During the course of the week, How we made it in Africa will examine each of these five trends in more detail. In our third article, we look at the economic effects of Africa’s ICT revolution. Africa’s ICT revolution has been well-documented in this publication and others. In 2000 there were only 15 million mobile subscriptions on the continent, by 2010 there were believed to be in excess of 500 million. It is expected that mobile subscriptions will reach 800 million by 2015. In the period between 2000 and June 2011, internet usage on the continent grew by 2,527%, compared to a world average of 480%. “Few alterations of Africa’s macroeconomic vista have...

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Breaking News: Facebook Initial Public Offering (IPO)

Facebook is preparing to go public in the biggest tech IPO since Google. But what does that mean for its users – and its rivals? Any day now, perhaps as early as Wednesday, Facebook will announce it is going public. The firm is looking to raise $10bn selling shares in an initial public offering (IPO) that will value the firm at somewhere between $75bn-$100bn, according to reports. Not bad for a seven-year-old firm that has only recently started making money and apparently made $1bn last year. It will be the biggest tech IPO since Google, and investors (and rivals) will finally get to see what makes Mark Zuckerberg's social network. Is Facebook...

The Days of "Manager Knows Best" Are Ending

To get a glimpse of what tomorrow's young global managers might be like as leaders, take a look at how today's young people think about communications. For one thing, they are devoted to connectivity. In a recent survey of more than 2,800 college students and young professionals in 14 countries, Cisco found that more than half said they could not live without the internet, and if forced to choose, two-thirds would opt to have an internet rather than a car. This intense desire to be connected leads to a demand for greater flexibility: Two out of five people said they'd accept a lower-paying job if the position offered greater flexibility on access to social media, the ability to work from where they chose, and choice on the mobile devices they could use on the job. Tomorrow's young managers...

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Guess who won mobile phone of the year award? It is not iPhone

The List of tech winners is published below. The Samsung Galaxy S2 has beaten the iPhone 4 and a host of other mobiles to claim T3's phone of the year award. It is the first time for three years that Apple or HTC have not won the category. Talking about the handset, judges said: "Not content with pretty much owning internet search, Google has turned Android into a real threat to Apple's dominance on both mobiles and tablets." Gadget of the year went to the Microsoft Xbox Kinect. The console also picked up the gaming gadget of the year. T3 Editor, Luke Peters, said: "The Kinect is not only an amazing gadget for today, it's a mouth-watering...

Blackberry Crashed and Caused Widespread Disruption across Europe, Middle East, Africa

Summary: BlackBerry service has been widely disrupted across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, after a fault at a near-London datacenter. BlackBerry services across Europe, the Middle East and Africa have crashed, causing widespread disruption across the continents. The glitch began disrupting services from 11am (GMT) after a service failed in one of Research in Motion’s datacenters in Slough, near London. Users have been unable to browse the web, send or receive email messages across personal accounts, or use the popular BlackBerry Messenger instant messaging service. It is thought that at least 70 million subscribers around the world...

In Uganda You can buy ticket using your mobile phone

In SummaryTelecom operator MTN is considering the introduction of mobile ticketing to solve problems in Uganda’s ticketing market. Telecom operator MTN is considering the introduction of mobile ticketing to solve problems in Uganda’s ticketing market.Mr Steven Kirenga, the business products manager at MTN, said the company is willing to implement MyTicket, a mobile network-based ticket selling and buying solution. “We are holding internal discussions to see whether it can work for us. We can join hands to see that we make it a better application,” he said at a press conference in Kampala yesterday. The consideration comes at a time when thousands...

Monday, 10 October 2011

Google Launches YouTube in Kenya

Search giant, Google launched YouTube in Kenya today. Through, Kenyans would be able to discover and view local content as well as instantly view the most popular videos in Kenya whenever they visit the domain. Kenyans with slow Internet connections also have the option of using YouTube Feather. According to Google, YouTube Feather enables users watch pages with the lowest latency possible. It achieves this by severely limiting the features available to the viewer and making use of advanced web techniques for reducing the total amount of bytes downloaded by the browser.YouTube is also currently available in Swahili and is accessible...

Is your iPhone not responding or not operating as expected? These tips will help you resolve most common issues.

We all know that the iPhone is a fantastic invention, but that doesn’t mean that it is not without it’s problems. From low battery life to ridiculous predictive text alterations, there are times when we just want to smash it against the wall, but we can’t because its screen is just so breakable! So, here are our 10 most annoying iPhone problems and tips on how to solve them! 1. Low Battery Life  Problem: One of the most common bugbears of the iPhone is that it’s battery runs out so quickly; browse Facebook, listen to a few tunes and send an email or two and suddenly you are in the red! Solution: The best way to preserve your battery...

India Unveils $35 Tablet Computer “Aakash”

With the intent of spreading knowledge and awareness of information technology all across the nation, India is all in readiness to roll out the world's cheapest, government-subsidized tablets computer, pegged at around $35, to myriad needy villagers, especially students, in the countryside. The tablet dubbed "Aakash", meaning sky in Hindi, has been advertised as the world's cheapest tablet computer. The tablet is an outcome of years of patient and unnerving efforts made by manufacturer "Datawind", in corporation with the Government of India. The initial intent was to develop a laptop for as low as $10. But, getting it that cheap was not exactly...

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Teknolojia ni chombo muhim cha maendeleo sio luxury

(Angalizo: Kwenye article hii nitatumia neno IT na ICT kumaanisha kitu kimoja) Penda usipende teknolojia imeleta mapinduzi makubwa sawasawa na wakati wa industrial revolution. Nchi nyingi zimepiga hatua kubwa kwa kuona umuhim wa kuwekeza kwenye sekta hii. Makampuni kama yamechukua full advantage of IT kutengeneza mamilion ya hela, kutoa huduma kwa jamii na kuajiri maelfu. Hata hivyo kusuasua na kusita kuwekeza kwenye teknolojia kumedhoofisha nchi nyingi na makampuni mengi. Japokuwa hali ya uchumi wa dunia unayumba sana, watu wakiishi kwa hofu na mashaka, ni muhimu kuendelea kuhimiza uwekezaji kwenye sekta ya teknolojia. Viongozi...

Friday, 7 October 2011

12 Challenges facing Computer Education in East African Schools

While ICT continues to advance in western and Asian countries, African countries still experience a lag in its implementation, and that continues to widen the digital and knowledge divides. In a recent study by Kiptalam (2010), observed that access to ICT facilities is a major challenge facing most African countries, with a ratio of one computer to 150 students against the ratio of 1:15 students in the developed countries. Whereas results indicate that ICT has penetrated many sectors including banking, transportation, communications, and medical services, the educational system seems to lag behind. Further, recent report by the National...

Is it better to turn my computer off or leave it on all the time?

This is one of those questions where there is no single right answer. In other words, it depends on how you use your computer. There are at least three situations that force you to leave your computer on 24 hours a day: You are on a network, and the network administrators back up files and/or upgrade software over the network at night. If that is the case, and you want your machine backed up or upgraded, then you need to leave it on all the time. You are using your machine as some sort of server. If you are running something like SETI@home and you want to produce as many result sets as possible, you need to leave your machine on all the time. If...

Apple - Introducing Siri on iPhone 4S

Apple bado wana mengi ya kutuletea na kubadilisha jinsi tunavyoishi. Hivi karibuni wameonyesha jinsi watumiaji wa iPhone watakavyoweza kuitumia device hiyo tofauti kabisa na yulivyozoea. Kwenye video hapa utaona description ya nini kitakachotokea...very interestin...

Monday, 19 September 2011

New Samsung Galaxy 10.1. Expert Review

The Samsung Galaxy Tab is the first major tablet release since the Apple iPad launched about five months ago. It's been a long time coming, too. The Galaxy Tab was one of the all-time worst kept secrets in tech until it was finally unveiled at Berlin's IFA show back in September, and as the first major Android tablet release, it holds a weight of responsibility on its shoulders. With a tidal wave of Android tablets about to sweep through the tech world, it's possible that if the Galaxy Tab were to disappoint, it could damage the perception that Android tablets will be able to top the iPad on features and performance. The price certainly indicates...

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Tanzania Yaripotiwa na CNN : Jinsi IT inavyoleta maendeleo

Maendeleo ya IT Tanzania yameendelea kugusa maisha ya wengi mjini na vijijini. Kuanzia mwalimu mpaka mkulima, kwa mfanyabiashara na hata mfanyakazi wa ofisini, IT inaipeleka Tanzania kunakotakiwa. CNN imeripoti maendeleo hayo - tazama video hii...

How can Africa ICT Development Work

Key people discuss the issues surrounding ICT in Africa. The focus is on the rapid development of IC...

Microsoft Waitambulisha Windows 8, Jiandae kwa vitu vikali

Microsoft wametambulisha rasmi Windows 8 Jumanne mbele ya maelfu ya software developers waliokuwa wamekusanyika kwenye makao makuu ya jengo la kampuni hiyo Build, huko Anaheim, Califonia. Microsoft wamesema "wanailetea dunia kitu kitakachobadlilisha jinsi tunavyotumia PC." Windows 8 ina interface mpya kabisa, itakayofanya kazi kama touchscreens kwenye mobile devices kama tablets. Kwa ujumla utakuwa na komputa ya kisasa inayojumuisha uzuri wa tablets wakati ukiwa bado unafurahia ufanyaji wa kazi wa komputa uliouzoea kama kawaida. Windows 8 imetengenezwa kuwa "touch...

Monday, 12 September 2011

Kama unamiliki blog au website hakikisha unajua Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ni nini. Tazama Video hapa ya dakika 3!

Kama una website au blog yako, serch engine optimisation ni muhimu kujua. SEO ni technique inayosaidia website yako kupatikana kirahisi pale mtu anapokuwa anatafuta (search) vitu mbali mbali online. Kwa mfano kwa kutumia Google mtu anaweza akawa anatafuta maelezo kuhusu milima iliyoko Afrika. Kama una website au blog inayorusha maswala haya, ili ya kwako iwe juu kabisa (kumbuka zipo blog na website  nyingine nyingi) unatakiwa kutumia SEO. Kwa kutumia SEO unaongeza wasomaji wa blog yako na kukusaidia kufikia wengi zaidi. Tazama video hii hapa itakupa maelezo zaidi Kutoka blog ya teknolojia :

Kama unapenda kutengeneza mobile apps, HTML5 ndiyo lugha ya kujifunza sasa

Kama ulikuwa unafikiri kwamba itachukua muda kwa HTML5 kutumika zaidi kwenye mobile app basi unajidanganya. Ukweli ni kwamba HTML5 imekubalika na wataalam wengi wa IT duniani kote kama standard kutenegeneza mobile apps. Hii ni kwasababu HTML5 tayari ni web-based standard, tofauti na language nyingine. Application programs nyingi zina uwezo wa kufanya kazi vizuri kwa kutumia browser ambayo imeandikwa kwa kutumia HTML5.Faida kubwa ya kutumia HTML5 ni developer anaweza kutengeneza HTML5 app inayoweza kufanya kazi kwenye simu yoyote ya mkononi yenye browser nzuri. Hii itaondoa lile tatizo lililopo kwamba app iliyotengenezwa kwa ajili ya platform...

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Tanzania: Mandela Science & Technology Institute in Arusha - World Class University

The Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) in Arusha is one in a network of Pan-African Institutes of Science and Technology located across the continent. These institutes, which are the proud brainchild of Nelson Mandela, envision to train and develop the next generation of African scientists and engineers with a view to impacting profoundly on the continent’s development through the application of science, engineering and technology (SET). NM-AIST is being developed to become a world-class research intensive training institution mainly for postgraduates and post-docs in science, engineering and technology...

Agriculture : How Can Information Technology Be Used

Getting the right information to farmers, when and where they need it, in a form (language and tone) they understand and can easily access is as vital to the success of the agriculture sector as the right type of soil, adequate water, sunlight and any other input. For this primary reason, I endorse BIID's call for information to be considered as an input in agriculture. It holds true beyond the Bangladeshi context. A lot can be learnt from this report from India in this video It is mind-boggling to me that so few countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific, where agriculture remains a key employer and contributor to national income, have...

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Ufanyeje kuifanya Komputa yako ifanye kazi kwa speed zaidi? Njia 6 za kusaidia kuondoa matatizo na kuongeza speed na usalama wa komputa yako

Wengi wamekuwa frustrated kutokana na komputa zao kuwa slow sana. Wengine hata wanafikiria kwenda kununua machine nyingine. Wakati hiyo inaweza kuwa solution, bado baada ya muda tena komputa yako itaanza kuwa slow kama hutajifunza njia mbalimbali za kuongeza speed na usalama wa komputa yako zilizoorodheshwa hapa. Kwa kufuata maelezo haya una uwezo wa kuongeza speed ya komputa yako na kuifanya salama zaidi. Maelezo haya yanahusu tools kwa ajili ya wale wanaotumia  Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista na Windows 7.Sababu Gani zinazofanya komputa iwe slow1.        Background Programs : Inawezekana kila...
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